OMG. My website...and BLOG...are both finally here!
If you have made it this far, I am offering you a profound thank you. This blog (and really - my career as a professional musician), have felt like an albatross trying to take off...
I'm sure that you're wondering about the title...
In my journey as a performing artist, I caught myself (and colleagues) wanting to get it "right" so many times. By "right" I mean this - "I should have that day job while I work on my creative path" or "I should wait tables - it's great money and every artist does that" and further "I should have that stability until I can 'make it' in my creative field".
Getting it "right" manifests in what I've come to call "the shoulds" or attempting to perform perfection or success. We're so quick to share the successes, showcase joys and prowess, or defaulting to the path of "the shoulds" without showing what went into it (the work, the decision making, the good, the bad, the ugly...I think you get it). In our age of pervasive social media, we are constantly bombarded by the show of success, happiness, and positivity.
We "clothe" ourselves in this so-
I wanted a space to show that our successes are only the surface level of the work of an artist or creative entrepreneur.
This is that space, and you can be a part of it, too.
It took a long journey to arrive at this point. It took me falling to the lowest point of my life, living in the basement of my friend's house, a leap of faith, new friends, old friends, losing them and getting some of the back, battling anxiety, therapy, coaching, education, and a whole lot of practicing and stubbornness.
This is where I'll share that journey with you, and I hope it encourages you to share your story. You can do it publicly, or anonymously. You can do it through a written interview, or even a vlog.
There is a lot of value in vulnerability, despite how scary it can be. In vulnerability, there is power and community. I'm not talking about a pity party - this is different.
This is admitting to our triumphs, strengths, AND our struggles or faults.
We love to admit to the one, and omit the other.
But, by undressing ourselves, exposing ourselves, getting naked...
We find GROWTH through BOTH!
You are not alone. I'm walking this journey with you, even if I am not beside you. I walk next to you, even if we don't share the same career path, have different morals, values, interests, political background, etc. I want to join with you in embracing and celebrating the struggle, the uncomfortable conversations, the "oof" moments, AND the victory, glory, and amazing adventures! By being transparent, vulnerable, and open, we can learn far more from each other on our life/career/artistic journeys, and maybe make our lives a little more interesting along the way.
My hope is that some of these posts will help you in your own path, whether you're a corporate femme fatale or an aspiring writer. If you are moved to write for this section as a guest, EVEN BETTER! Please reach out to me if you have a passion project or career that has a continuing story behind it, or if you have a personal experience you think someone could benefit from hearing.
Until next time!